Kloska Management GmbH
Controlling and corporate management
This company provides management services for companies of the Kloska Group, especially in the field of controlling and corporate management.
Kloska Management GmbH
Am Genter Ufer 4a
21129 Hamburg
Am Genter Ufer 4a
21129 Hamburg
Phone +49 40 781109-570
Fax +49 40 781109-569
Contact persons
Nadine Kloska
Managing Director
Büro +49 40 781109-573
Uwe Kloska
Managing Director
Büro +49 421 61802-33
Jörg Clemens
Geschäftsführer / CFO Kloska Group
Mobil +49 173 2146980
Flexibility is the greatest security.
Service-oriented & secure
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