Kloska Group International

At home around the world

At home in Bremen and at home all over the world. In addition to our own companies and offices, we have a worldwide network of suppliers and partners.

Martin Wirzppa. Kloska Management GmbH Phone: +49 40 781109-574 Mobile: +49 172 4270298 m.wirz@kloska.com

International companies

Neptun Ship Service LTD
43 Polska str. | 81-334 Gdynia
Branches: Szczecin · Gdansk

mobile phone 24/7:
+ 48 501 155 001


web: https://neptunshipservice.com/


Uwe Kloska Ship Supply Far East (PTE) LTD
33, Ubi Avenue 3, #01-67
Vertex Building | Singapore 408868

International representative offices

Kloska Shanghai Office

Kloska Hong Kong Office

International cooperation partners

Brazil, China, Dubai/UAE, Spain, South Africa, Turkey,…

Service-oriented & secure

Convince yourself of our expert advice with the best safety promise for our extensive product range and our efficient logistics concept.

Notfall 24h emergency number +49(0)421 - 61802 19
Schnelle Lieferung Fast deliver worldwide
to any location
Sicher Secure